The Claremont Courier recently highlighted Gould Asset Management’s 20th anniversary in the most recent edition of their newspaper, touching upon our company’s history and some of our guiding principles that have helped us along the way. An excerpt has been included below, as well as a link to the full article on the Courier’s website. We hope you find it an enjoyable read as we continue to celebrate 20 years of service to our clients and our community.

With eye on the future, investment firm marks the past

August 1, 2019

Renowned investor Warren Buffett once said, “Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre.”

Don Gould would agree.

Mr. Gould founded Gould Asset Management, a fixture in the Village for two decades, in 1999. His underlying philosophy is much like Mr. Buffet’s: investing is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

“First, we are inherently on the conservative side of the middle when it comes to risk,” Mr. Gould said. “And we continually remind our clients that money takes decades to accumulate, and if not managed properly, can be dissipated much more quickly.”

That philosophy has helped GAM reach an admirable milestone for any business: its 20th anniversary. The firm paused this week to celebrate with a client mixer at its Village offices.

Read the Full Article Here